Fresh Milk
Fresh Milk Pasteurized with latest technologies

Long Shelf Life Milk (or UHT Milk)
Mozzarella Cheese is creamy white and smooth in texture with a mild, delicate, milky flavor. Typically used on pizzas

Highly enriched with
Vitamin B1, D
Yougurt in diiferent packages
Vitamin B1, D
Yougurt in diiferent packages

200g unsalted cup Butter
Salted butter has a longer shelf life than does unsalted butter. What this means, is that generally speaking, unsalted butter tends to be “fresher”
ይህንን ያውቃሉ?
ፋሚሊ ወተት ሙሉ በሙሉ የላም ወተት እንደሆነና ለረጅም ጊዜ ምንም ሳይሆን መቆየት እንደሚችል ያውቃሉ? ገዝተውስ ሞክረውታል?
Did you know that Family Milk is 100% and long shelf life cow milk? Have you tried it?
Did you know that Family Milk is 100% and long shelf life cow milk? Have you tried it?
Nourished with Energy
Excellent in Quality
ፋሚሊ ወተትን በተጎነጩ ቁጥር ሰውነትዎ ያጣውን ኃይል በቀላሉ ይተካሉ
0 +
Family Milk Employees
0 Ltr
Production capacity per day
0 +
Registered Distributers
0 +
Our Managing Team

Ato. Hailu EshetuGeneral Managerhailue@familymilkethiopia.net

Ato. Abrham MechalDeputy-Managerabrehamm@familymilkethiopia.net

Ato. Bisrat MechalPlant Managerbisrat@familymilkethiopia.net

Ato. Bisrat ArayaSales and marketing Managerbisrata@familymilkethiopia.net

Ato. Girum AsratHR-Managergiruma@familymilkethiopia.net

Mr. Fekadu GugsaFinance Managerfekadug@familymilkethiopia.net
Our Customers
Family milk aim to provide high quality, affordable and nutritious pasteurized milk and milk products to the local market ,we distribute them to diversified customers based in all Ethiopian ,they are :-
Ethiopian Airlines,
Mini and Large Super Markets,
Hospitals, etc...
Our Clients

Our Clients

Our Clients